From Food Processing to Food Consumption
Chemi-kal stock a large range of thermometers and probes to ensure food has reached the correct temperature before it is served to the consumer. Chemi-kal will issue a tailor made cleaning schedule hi-lighting important information such as contact time, rinse and wash procedure and which products to use for each action. This will take you through the various stages of the procedure touching on personal hygiene , keeping floors, doors, walls, ceilings, toilet and washroom facilities and food processing equipment clean and germ free. We will highlight good cleaning practices and suggest adhering to the agreed methods in place.
The Food Safety Act
Clearly states that to sell food which is contaminated or unfit for human consumption or injurious to health is an offence.
Contamination of food is possible through infestations such as rats or mice etc., foreign matter, chemicals such as oils or cleaning solutions and Micro-organisms like yeast, bacteria and fungi.
The contamination of food can happen during production, processing, packaging, warehousing, distribution or quite simply at home. Micro-organisms are too small to be seen by the naked eye which identifies them as the hidden enemy!
Bacteria needs moisture, food warmth and time to grow, did you know they can double in number every 20 minutes in the right conditions? So over 8 hours 1 bacteria can grow to over 1 million.
Detergents such as FPC90, Easikleen, Combat React, Chlorfoam, Turbo-San, Amphodet, FAD OR Protol are chemicals used to remove soil dirt and grease, they may be neutral, alkaline or acidic in nature. The work by either chemically changing the soling or lifting the grease from the surfaces. They will often need physical agitation such as scrubbing to assist in performance.
Disinfectants are designed to reduce bacterial numbers to a safe level such as Tersan OR Amphodis.
Hand Soaps
We have a large selection of hand soaps, Sterisept is a Bactercidal hand soap or Sterigel an alcohol based hand disinfectant are two of our most popular, either can be dispensed manually or through a dispenser.
We also keep stock of Personal Protective items that are approved and recommended by the food industry too. These items include gloves, face masks, mob caps, over sleeves and aprons.